We enable non-scientists to perform ocean observation.

Ready to take action?


Our vision is an ocean observation market characterized by innovation, in which players provide and use new technologies and comprehensive data for a sustainable approach to the ocean.


SOOP activates the knowledge, awareness and interest of science, society, business and politics.

SOOP develops reliable, cost-effective and user-friendly standardized measurement systems, services and provides a data platform that are used to collect, provide and use ocean data.

SOOP establishes a network for an innovation-based value chain to strengthen ocean observation.

MEET The Soop


We encourage close collaboration between science, industry and society to enable a paradigm shift in ocean observation through joint projects. Together, we test ideas and work on the implementation of innovation projects to utilize existing maritime structures and new explorative approaches for sustainable data collection.

We are looking to connect with a wide range of partners. We welcome ocean industries, NGOs, academics, policy and regulators and everybody who is passionate about the ocean and climate change.


SOOP Website Bilder POGO Use Case

Collaboration with POGO Fellows

POGO - Solutions for ocean observation in the global South. Supporting regions that currently receive too little attention in ocean observation is an important core of our mission.

Data Collection for Tourism and Coastal Authorities

Data collection for tourism and coastal regions: Innovation meets sustainability

Data collection with non-scientific boats and racing yachts

Marine data collection off the scientific routes: Anyone can do science!

SOOP and HX (Hurtigruten Expeditions) try new approaches in ocean observation

Cruise ships as data collectors: SOOP and HX (Hurtigruten Expeditions) are testing new approaches in ocean observation
Join team SOOP at the Ocean Re-Creation Challenge

Official Call for Participants!

Data business models are totally your game? Register now for ORCC 2024!
SOOP Reverse Pitch mit Toste Tanhua beim Waterkant Festival 2024

SOOP Reverse Pitch at Waterkant Festival 2024

We participated in a new format for start-ups where we looked out for fresh perspectives, exchange or solutions organized by The Bay Areas e.V. and Warerkant Festival.
SOOP Website Bilder Instagram Post 2

Joint forces: Boris Herrmann, SubCTech & SOOP

Jointly presenting the current status of the innovation platform and the OceanPack™ RACE used on board Team Malizia's racing yacht to guests at the 2024 German Ocean Award ceremony.

Ocean Summit 2024: a day well spent together with our partner Trans-Ocean e.V. in Kiel

Great talks with ocean fans of all ages and backgrounds. A World Ocean Day well spent.

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